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Urania & five boxes

"The measure, the aesthetics and the human are three different keys for happiness and balance in our lives, because you can see all aspects of all these three things in our lives."

Urania is dedicated and native Ikarian. Her father opened the first tourist agency on the island, which upheld the values of sustainable tourism from the very beginning.

All aspects of our life come from aesthetics. Aesthetic is not just about art, it's about how we choose the people around of us, our environment, how how we dress, what we eat ... Aesthetics is also very much related to harmony, and harmony is based on the human proportion. The purpose is to be in balance, in which case we never go against the natural flow of energies in other words ... Aesthetics will make us better, will make us happy, because according to our taste, we choose our partner or lifestyle, a glass of wine we enjoy, and finally, it's the meaning of life ... But we don't pay much attention to aesthetics. We have to teach children to watch, to observe and make their own choices. For me, this is the beginning of a person's personality. All this has to do with our lower instinct, but if we don't use aesthetics, we cannot be masters of our instinct logic and soul. Brain and soul, these are two potentials we have to balance.  We must respect our contribution, or our existence in the universe, and not try to force the change of the rules, because then it really becomes toxic and catastrophic. Aesthetics is about the big chapter - it's a big part of philosophy. This could be the applied philosophy in life, this is the key to making us open windows, to seeing things differently, to reestimating our position as humans, as individuals, as a smaller group, as well as people as part of the universe.”

Aesthetics is very much related to harmony, both are universal principles, and harmony is based on human proportions. If we are balanced, if we follow these principles, we never go against the natural flow of  energies ... In other words, aesthetics will make us better, will make us happy.

Aesthetics is underestimated or ignored. Many people think it has to be linked to a specific field, when we talk about art, but in Greek, aesthetics – αισθητική (aisthitikí) –  is a big chapter of philosophy, and I think this is applied philosophy in life, this is the key to making us open the windows to see our position, to reestimating our position as humans in the universe, starting from smaller groups and environments, such as community, the people of one's country, the people of one's continent, the people of the world, and the people as hearts of the universe. 

Let’s go back to the fundamental unit, the human: aesthetics will make us better, will make us acceptable in a community, will make us happy, because we make our choices according to our aesthetics and our taste.

In my opinion, everything starts with this, and we have to teach the children to watch around and to make their own choices. 

For me, this is the beginning of building a personality and a more complete human being.

Soul instinct

The soul has to do with the lower instinct, but if we don’t use aesthetic, we cannot be master of our instinct, brain and soul. Logic and instinct are two of our potentials we have, and we have to balance them.


We need knowledge, aesthetics, and awareness about the people, because if we only care about ourselves, we cannot move forward (when I say about ourselves, what I mean is about ourselves and the people closest to us), we have to be more open and caring. It doesn’t mean we need to become victims, but to be generous. 

All the rest, money, respect and everything, come later, because if you are aware and you have aesthetics you can respect yourself, other people, the nature, the environment, everything.

If we change our aesthetics, we will become more aware of the environment. For example, we will not accept so much plastic around us, we will be aware to preserve traditional style of the architecture, to keep our tradition, our costumes and our culture alive. 

We can be more sensitive and protective if we have a very concrete idea about what we want our environment to be and if we can clearly see ourselves in a specific environment. 

In order to achieve that, we have to be very precise according to our aesthetics. for example “Kitsch environment” comes from someone who ignores the term “aesthetic”, with all the expression of his life: environment, behavior, generally.

on the practical level           

Years ago, I was invited to a council in the capital of Ikaria, where we had a meeting to talk about tourism. Our usual common problems are: lack of transportation, very bad ferry connections, especially back then, old abandoned cars beside the road, cleaning the beaches, and generally the way we handle waste and how we could train the people involved in tourism to treat visitors more professionally and carefully. 

When it was my turn to talk, I said that the priority was to reevaluate our aesthetics of the island, because if we manage to do this and we train new generations, showing them that there are other standards of organizing life, we will never need to talk about all those practical things separately, because they will simply choose much higher quality environment to live in, which would affect the visitors as well. 

If we create a little paradise in the middle of nowhere, people will know that they will discover a diamond, it doesn’t matter if there is one boat for months or for weeks, they will come just to experience this environment with us ... They didn’t get it.

I saw that all these people were raising children.

          The role of Greece

Everybody was talking about the Greek crisis, the economical one, but it wasn’t only economical, it was also general, political, cultural.

One of the values we have here is ‘less is more’. Not quantity, but quality. The roots. There are different keywords that if we were to gather all together, I could explain the dream that I have: being in a human environment, having real, good communities with other humans. Human communities, not isolated but open, in their own way. My dream is to keep the values and the measure as we know them, because it is not by coincidence. 

The important thing is that we create the time. Not the other way around … This is what happened today. I was busy in the office, I had many commitments. And in a magical way, without struggling, I ended up spending the entire day with you. I enjoy it, you enjoy it, and there was no stress of ‘oh my god, what’s going on’. With a couple of phone calls, everything is possible. Everything needs its time. And it finds its time, finally. Whatever it is that you want to sort out. I think the point is to get in a no-time situation. Sometimes it works better than to force things, to make plans, to try to make things happen. Somehow we use time as the measure to organize our lives. If we just start doing the things that we want to do and just let time follow the activities, rather than setting deadlines, it seems that it works much better for our mood and the achievements that we get.



For me, development means improving our lives in terms of quality, convenience and respect. Respect for balance, for tradition, for costumes, and for the specific characteristics of the environment and its people.



For me, art is the filter of our lives, our expectations, our experiences and viomon, through which we can look into the mirror, improve our ego, improve ourselves in what we wish to communicate with our environment.

You cannot create art if you don’t have viomon, the life experience that has been transformed into the very essential part of our being, a part of us. This is what I call viomon.

If you don’t have that, if you don’t have expectations. If you don’t have a vision of life, you cannot make art. You are flat. You don’t have anything to say or to communicate. 

So, how are you using these things to create, if you want to be creative? What does it mean “to create”? I create something through which I want to show my improved self, my filtered self. 

I filter myself through art, and I am here, ready to show you another aspect of me and to communicate with you. 

People have the need to communicate. Why don’t they communicate only by talking to one another? Because their art, what they have created, is something new, is a new body, a new creation that they present to others. 

This is the improved self: a self that also includes more magical elements and less realistic ones, which they could not use in different other ways.


I am quite active; I hate the phases “I belong” or “I am a member”, I believe in freedom and action, and I have done it many times. I took action whenever I felt that it was necessary to do something.

I feel a great responsibility and duty to act, whenever I can, for the rights of the people, for the humankind, for the environment, for this place.

I strongly believe in the values of the unit, the will of the unit and the freedom of the unit; because we are units with a free will that can move things forward, it’s exactly the opposite of a community.

Cooperation is necessary, contribution of a team with ideas and actions is necessary, but I will never accept to be a member of a union and act as a part of a union because I will not accept to lose my freedom of expressing my ideas, I think that it goes against the actions. 

1st Example

I will give you an example: if I am painting or cleaning the road and someone comes to me and says: “Listen, as you are cleaning the road, maybe you can join our club, you can be a member of the union, 'Cleaning with the rainbow'.” If I say yes, they will say, “Oh good, you have to come, read the statement, sign and come to the council to have meetings, and clean with the rainbow”. 

Maybe it wouldn’t be acceptable to clean someone’s house if the person was a refugee and he should become a member of the community , he’s not paying the annual fee, so he’s excluded, “and after all, we don’t need refugees, because they don’t speak the language … So, we don’t clean”.

I wouldn’t agree, and I would go there and clean the house. 

The next day, maybe the council would have a meeting to decide whether to expel me from the club. 

This action would take my freedom to act as an activist away, whereas otherwise I would be able to do it without any consequences. 

So, we are back at the beginning: if you want to do something, just do it. If you have people that need support, do it. 

I do not belong in any council, in any local community.

2nd Example

One day, a union asked me to help them build a road to connect Therma to Nealia Beach. 

They worked with some volunteers, but they need thr money to pay for the wood and some workers with the machinery.

At that time, I was broke because the season had not started yet, so I gave them one of my painting, a big one, and I suggested they make a lottery. 

They managed to collect 1,600 euros, and that was more than enough to cover the wages. Then, they said to me: “We only need 800 euros, so you can have the rest”. I said: “No, because you made all the effort, I gave you my painting, all the profit is yours. If there is money left, just keep it, have a big party, feed the people who work as volunteers”. 

They made the party, they bought the food and at the same time and at the party, they also collected extra money. 

So they asked me if I wanted to be an honorary member of the association, and I said: “No, I am here, if you need something just call me and if I can do something, I will do it, but don’t put me in the difficult position of becoming a member.

I offer as much as I can. If you believe in that, you don’t need to make your life very complicated and make up rules everywhere.

                                                         a voice of Urania !

Support the publishing of the next story!

Released by MED Land project / photography, editing: BB / cover photo: self-portrait by Urania / audio conversations, BB and Eleonora Pauli / transcription by Laura Mangumba and Giacomo Colonnelli / text editing - proofreading: Tadej Turnšek, godfather of the story: Barbara Ćeferin

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Lena-there was no time for personal life

Lena from Lesbos island: “They try to convince us that we are warlords, and selfish by nature …  That otherwise, we will die sooner or later, that this is the nature of our race. No, no, this concept totally fucked up our planet, this is how ‘they’ want people to think, and most do not use much brain, that is true, but I believe many young people want something different …” Lena runs a very popular restaurant, NAN, where refugees and locals cook and serve. Half a million refugees crossed Mytilini – the capital of Lesbos. Lena was also part of   a start-up group for setting up Pikpa camp, which 50,000 people crossed since 2012. "You can change things by doing things, and this change will be multiplied by other people, and so on.”

  • There was no time for personal life.
  • These kind of contradictions were very difficult for me to handle.
  • Working in this kind of environment is a bit like being on drugs ... it is like a drug, it intoxicates you ... We are involved with these people.

Aristotle began his intensive study of biology on Lesbos. He created a classification of animals as “live-bearing and egg-bearing”. Three of his books contain descriptions of fish, birds, insects and mammals that he found around the lagoon of Kalloni on Lesbos. It is considered the first scientific work in our history.  

I came on the island in 1997 ... I fell in love with the island,
 it was very nice, and I worked as a teacher ...

... My husband is French, and he also could not understand why this need to spend so much time and energy on the refugee issues.
... It is very hard for people who don't feel this kind of social commitment.
... They where drowning in our waters, this is a tragedy because all of this beauty suddenly vanished.

Social issues lead to economical crises, because economical crises are never detached from social crises  and a crisis of values.

Pikpa camp > Why ... Because it was necessary, I would say; because when people started to come, it was under the umbrella of many organizations, local organizations of different types ... Twenty organizations at that time. We are trying to unite our efforts in dealing with the Greek crisis ... But at the same time, the Greek crisis and the refugee crisis, and of course, big waves of refugees coming to Greece and Lesbos, we had to handle it all ... I think the biggest flow of refugees.

Pikpa camp is mainly based on and seeks to promote the ideas of community,of people living together in the same community without discrimination and prejudice.
It is entirely based on volunteers and on donors. Now we have a lot of people who support Lesbos solidarity and the camp.

Before I began working and helping in Pikpa, I could never imagine that people could do so many things entirely voluntarily. There where a lot of things that were difficult, but we have a committed team, and where there's a will, there's a way. And I think this power of people, trusting each other to build a relationship of trust - I think it changed our lives in many ways, both positive and negative.
As I told you, personal life is very difficult to maintain. We have relations with all these nations, all these people, since 2000 BC. We should not be so afraid to work together. We should be afraid when we exclude people from the common wealth of this world.

Environmental issues are much more urgent and much more serious than any economic or political issues that we bring up.
Unfortunately, the ecosystem has no voice.
We let people privatize water, air, beaches, privatize public wealth ... these are all social goods.

NAN restaurant project.

First of all, we wanted to have a restaurant where people could work and make there own living.
When people are trapped, only despair can come out of it. When people there earned their income, it changed the entire situation.
To give them a job was one thing ... the other thing was to raise awareness that instead of fighting against these people, we can work together.
We can try to find ways to support them - not all of them, but some of them, the ones that can and want to contribute to the society that welcomes them.
This is the message: that it's better to work together than to work against each other.

Everyone can see what we do everyday, it is transparent. Raising awareness about food - the slow food mentality. That people should take their time to sit around the table to eat and talk and share.
There are many issues that are connected to food.

This is a company in which all employees will hopefully become partners.

Hiring a refugee with no experience of how things work in certain jobs is sometimes difficult.

I would like everything that we dream of the way we want Nan to work and to be ... For Nan to become be "the mother" of many similar enterprises ...

Lesbos has been my place of choice for many years now. But you know, every place is a nice place, depending on people. Last year, there was an attack on some Afghan protesting in a sitting demonstration. They were attacked by some locals. It was a very sad realization that we are living in a bubble.
We mostly have people who support us, not only financially, but also morally, mentally ...When you find out that a large part of the community is silent or even against some actions, it is not very nice.
I think this is sending you away, then inviting you back.

... in a situation like this, you have to choose which side you are on, and this is what we did ...

I would like to be able to leave this place satisfied ... that it will work without our presence.

- if someone says it's a threat, you should say it is an opportunity ...

 Eleonora Pauli, a radio journalist from Berlin, joined the project for almost two months and produced 5 interesting WGO stories, as well as participated in the interviews for the main stories. She also showed sailing skills!   

... you can bring change, and this change can be multiplied by other people and other people ....

The Earth does not give a damn about us ...

Support us to publish the next story!

Released by MED Land project / photography, editing: BB / cover photo: self-portrait by Lena /  audio conversations, BB and Eleonora Pauli,  text editing / proof reading: Tadej Turnšek, godfather of the story: Barbara Ćeferin

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

“The Last Days” & the first steps for a long-term art group project on the island of Ikaria

... Every day is the last day ...

These were the last days when the Coronavirus was still “safe in China”. Ivana Petan, Gregor Erjavec and Bojan left by ferry from Venice over the Adriatic to Greece, to do the first steps for a long-term art group project on the island of Ikaria in the Aegean sea.

the last days-Venice-medalndproject-
the last days-Venice-medalndproject

How to move, to touch, to live in times when moving and touching ...

Gregor Erjavec
the last days-Venice-medalndproject-medland-project-
the last days-Venice-medalndproject-medland-project-

Why Ikaria at all? It was a matter of following instinct. We were doing a research (2018) on MED Land destinations when we came across Dr. Christodoulos Xenakis, a true master of love and compassion in action in his Ikarian way at his age of 80+! Now we are friends and doing things together ... Christodoulos and Ulysses traveling together ...

Ever since, Ikaria is like a lighthouse for me in relation to other islands, deeply connected to the creative pulses of Gaia, with the traces of 15,000 years of continuous presence of humans here. The awareness of this connectedness, as far as I can sense, is still present, and the pulse goes beyond the Mediterranean Sea to Middle East, Africa and Europe.

Our MED Land mission this time was related to the project of Marko Pogačnik and the team of geomancers and artists who were planning to do the stone land art installations project on the island in order to reinforce the connectedness and spread the message over the Mediterranean. Our task was to continue preparation work on determining the location(s) for the installation, connecting to some key places that are expressing the vitality of Ikaria, finding the right stones,  all in collaboration with the Ikarian team, artist Vangelis Rinas and Christodoulos Xenakis, the founder of the Association of Ikarian Studies. Ivana Petan, who collaborated in previous geomatic-art projects with Marko Pogačnik, was leading our field preparation tasks on the research of the geomantic aspects of the island, determining the location(s) for the installation and finding local stones that are also suitable for carving. Since Marko and the team could not come, we were doing some research while being telepathically connected, and it worked very well!


Ivanas notes about Drakano and the rock - in connection with the being of the rock, I feel the rock rising up into the sky, and in the red pillar connecting the earth and the cosmos. my back space opens, allowing me to enter the causal dimensions of archetypes and ancestors, giving me the “wings” by allowing the freedom to breathe with awareness of myself. in the vision the head of the serpent - the dragon appears to me, which tells me that this is the place of spiritual power - of wisdom that originates and grows from the heart. I look towards Samos and Turkey. I feel them close, very close; this announces me their energetical connection and co-dwelling with a rock and the space of Drakano.

Icarus has his spot on the south side side of the island, where legend can be understood also in the relation with island. The legend goes that Icarus did not obey his father and followed his call to fly, to explore new dimensions of life. Where and how he ended up is not the point of this legend. 

Marko, Ivana, Gregor an myself felt the importance of understanding Icarus as an archetype that maintains the meaning to this day,

Released by MED Land project WGO / photography
Editing: BB
Text editing / proofreading: Tadej Turnšek

Support us to publish the next story!

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

razglas- sodelavanje- prodaja


pozivam k sodelovanju za kreativno delo trženja “produktov” MED Land projekta - predvsem fotografij, zgodb in keramike / potrebno je veselje in smisel za kreativno komuniciranje z ljudmi, ki želijo tovrstne izdelke, ki so obenem tudi finančni vir za projekt MED Land


•delo je omejeno na honorar in dobri delež zaslužka pri prodaji  

•možnost uporabljanja delovnega prostora - studija v centru Ljubljane 

Potrebne veščine :

•suverenost na internetu - za objave na osnovni strani, socianih medijih, v "newsletter" in še kje /Patreon...

•posluh in potreba za oblikovanje lastnega kreativnega pristopa, ki je usklajen s projektom in ostalimi, ki smo udeleženi

•pisanje v slovenčini in angleščini

•odnos do vizualnega medija

najprej si oglej MED Land stran !  nakar se seveda slišiva in vidiva - vsaj po skypu :-)) da si izmenjava več. hvala!  ali/in 41 765714 bojan

•sporočilo podaj NAPREJ !

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

The first three days of 2020

THE TEAM; Ivana Petan, Gregor Erjavec, Petra Petan and Bojan 

The first three days of 2020 we, MAD Landers, spend on island Hvar - THE home port of Nalu and main office for the project, located in Museum of Stari Grad (MED Land partner)


The trip started from the Split main ferry port.

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Venice update

on 29 of December 2019 

Marko Pogačnik (author of many books about Venice) and Bojan, had a day trip to experinc Venice.

Venice is birth place of MED Land project as well as the home for the first year of the project, which was dedicated to Venice -lagon resulting in exhibition-Water dragon of Venice and Self-published art book , second 
layout  Water Dragon of Venice – Exhibition in Zadar


                                                                                                                                                                                   the present, in a transitional, transit time ; the present, which is part of the process and changes to come, is already happening and announcing new relationships and new arrangements (also) in the beingness of Venice 


Campo San Via

taking photos were for me, part of the process to get in touch with :

disbanded space

air landscape - appearing somewhere in between water and earth (disintegrating) space

parallel realties that I felt also in the past, but not the same !

Venice (lagon) is vital from its own roots and like many other “special”, intensive, sacred  spaces, inspires me to connect to Earth in the time of changes


Giudecca- Chiesa di Sant Efemia




Giudecca- Chiesa di Sant Efemia-garden


 Giudecca-Chiesa di Sant Efemia-garden


Convento SS. Cosma e Damiano


Convento SS. Cosma e Damiano,


Chiessa dela Redentore -Giudecca






San Pietro di Castello


San Pietro di Castello


Chiesa della Madonna dell'Orto

project, stories and news form with YOUR support  <> join US with a monthly donation, travel with US, touch new places and people, network with us- it's the Mediterranean!

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

THE MED Land team, May–September 2019

THE TEAM; Eleonora Pauli, Laura Mangunda, Ivana Petan, and Ayane Tanaka


>>> Eleonora Pauli studied literature and languages in Berlin and Cambridge. She loves to listen, and encountered many new and inspiring sounds while travelling with Bojan on Nalu.  Eleonora works as a journalist in Berlin, Germany. She writes and produces short radio plays for Deutschlandradio, collects sounds for her next satirical commentary, or just walks the city streets with her microphone in her hand and her ears wide open.


She came to Greece and stayed with the project for the first two months! For me, it was a very bright experience from day one, a very creative, supportive and positive living and working time. She came with small audio and photo-film equipment, as an enthusiast for sound recording and with professional audio journalistic skills. It was very exciting, since I love the sound, too! And it was a perfect match to record (video and sound) “what was going on” during this two months:

Eleonora also did her part in the exhibition “BARKE” (Boats), which already took place in September at the Museum of Stari Grad, Hvar island. It was about the third element of the exhibition, image & soundtrack TRACES OF MEDLAND PROJECT 2019/1 a project on which the creation of this entire exhibition is built on. The soundscape was created by Eleonora!

laura-mangunda-med-land-projectLaura Mangunda, a law student from Slovakia was formally “the opposite world” from Ayane who was from Tokyo. But in reality, we had all common pools and very informal, easy-going, “MED land” active and challenging life. She was always ready to help and do things I wouldn’t even think of, from research to every task on the boat, transcribing, etc., and was always open to learning. “So young, so good “, could be the title of the song I would write about her!

bits from her fear-well letter;

Dear Bojandzi,

Thank you for this whole experience.

It has meant a lot to me. It has brought me to experiences and realizations that I didn’t expect at all … >>> MORE

ivana-petan-medland-team-may-september-2019Ivana Petan has been IN from the very beginning –from day one, when we sailed Nalu from Bari to Slovenia to restore the boat, back in 2010!

SINCE THEN, she has been continuously collaborating in every possible way, from doing repairs on Nalu, transcribing, supporting the financially and her unique ceramics, sailing on destinations. We also had 3 exhibitions together, related to the MEDLand project:

Dance with Mary – exhibition/installation

Water Dragon of Venice – Exhibition in Zadar

Exhibition “Barke” (Boats) by Ivana Petan – ceramics and BojanB – prints






Ayane Tanaka from Tokyo has been engaged in international business with the focus on marketing and corporate strategy. She had worked for a fashion agency in Paris as a marketing assistant, and got involved with MEDland project as a PR and strategic marketer, as well as a sailing crew member. She is interested in culture, gastronomy and sustainability, which she cultivated by travelling around the world and through various art and sports activities. She joined us on Ikaria and we finished our common trip in the Adriatic – on Hvar island, which took us 13 days. “The sailing journey in the Mediterranean for 13 days was sometimes extremely tough and very much lovely at other times, which gave me an intensive experience of understanding Mother Nature.



AND bojan >>making-a-story-bojan-brecelj-explanations


Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Upcoming stories from the Aegean and Marmara Sea,May–September 2019


From Athens to Constantinople and back, through East Aegean sea and as south as Patmos island – here is the list of stories that are “in the fridge”, I hope not for long, since some of them are still waiting from last year:

christodoulos-ulysse-nalu-traveling-together-medland-projectThe first team of the 2019 MEDLand storytelling project was related to the last recorded story in 2018 – Christodoulos is actually the heart of the team now, and the focus of the story. How come? We were four plus one: Eleonora from Berlin – German. She connected to the project through Workaway platform. Her skills are radio/audio journalism, with a touch of video, too.

Bojan-Eleonora-Christodoulos-Makis (Christodoulos skipper) and Odyssey.

Christodoulos decided to do a pilgrimage-ritual trip through historical places in the North Aegean sea, from Athens to Istanbul via Limnos island, also passing  Marathon field, the temple above Chalcis where armies got together to attack Troy … then Limnos island, connected to Odyssey karma, where he betrayed his fellow men … and “it is time now to release this pain”. Rituals and conversations with Odyssey were Christodoulos’ occupation, while he was sailing on his own boat at the age of 83! BUT – newly born every day, with plenty of smiles, positive thoughts and joy for life, philosophy, cipora, vine, good food, poetry.  The final destination was his home island, Ikaria. Three films about the trip were published along the way on the WGO page.

christodoulos-ulysse-nalu-traveling-together-medland-project the-knowledge-about-philoktitis-and-bosporus-about-heating-properties-terra-limnea-limnos-island-video-medland-project over-the-marmara-sea-bosporus-troy-constantinople


Nazif Aksehiri and Ozan Yılmaz were two more people we approached in Istanbul and there stories -of how Istanbul and especially Bosporus is inspiring them, are on the way.


Anta was born in Athens, grew up on Crete, and currently lives on Limnos island, working as an alternative tour guide and activist for sustainable development on the island.
“… we live in another era now, I don’t think we should carry the past. Maybe some practices of producing products for our own consumption, it is something that can be done easily. And this also gives us the satisfaction to working with land, that land can provide for you. I think that this relation can bring us closer to nature. This, I would keep from the past – and nothing else. People make the difference. Cretans cooperate, they are more innovative, open-minded, they make collaborations, while people here – maybe because it is a distant island and they do not have many visitors – it is like they are afraid of one another.”               


Giorgos moved from Tesaloniki to Samothraki island with Jacqueline.”If we start a family, we need to do something else … We had enough, we want to change our lives, maybe live in a community or start a community, and we thought, ‘OK, why don’t we first go around and see for ourselves’. So we took our motorbike and traveled through France, Portugal and Spain for one year. We visited eco-communities and eco private projects with very different types or organizational management. And it was very interesting to see how things worked or didn’t work. We ended up on Samothraki.” … “Either you love it or you hate it, and you have to leave immediately”, was a sentence repeated by many, especially the ones that migrated and now live here for years … And their love affair goes on. They are the active population for the needed changes in a land of “no compromises”.


On Samothraki island, I was occupied with trees most of the time. They let me know that through thousands of years on Samothraki, they are the biggest, free  open-air art galley, where living sculptures express creativity beyond imagination!


In april 2017, Omar – 26-year-old Syrian refugee – founded organisation refugee4refugees on Lezbos and Samos island, two of the most immigrated islands in Greece. The organisation, that is, mostly Omar himself, runs programs to improve the lives of refugees on the island, like education, free shop, programs for kids, engaging volunteers from all over the world. He himself is also volunteer! The organisation is one of the most notable on the two islands.
“I can see the Mediterranean full of blood, since you can not escape people from the violence at home.reffugee4refugees


Melissa,  a lawyer from Mexico, volunteering at the Legal centre Lesvos 
I was supposed to volunteer for two weeks and go back. And these two weeks turned into a month and a half, (…) and then i did get my Visa, but also Trump got elected and I was hesitant to go back.
But it was not the same after what I saw in the refugee camp, I did not feel comfortable going back to my crazy, creative comfortable life in new Orleans and not doing anything. So that is how I ended up here. Maybe many people want to help, but they cannot afford not working. Of course, it is a privilege, I tell you, everything is so unfair in life. I was very privileged, I was very fortunate with a loving family, with access to education to travelling, I learnt different languages and I studied many different things. And I think the least I can do is used these tools to do something nice and good, not only for myself. Myself and for others.”


Fabian from Switzerland, came to Lesbos in March 2017 to start a project  – “One happy family” The core idea is to provide facilities for refugees. “We started without a fixed idea of what we wont to do. We talked to refugees, locals, politicians, journalists, to see what exactly is needed. Besides legal rights, housing and medical care needs, they have nothing to do! Which is also a big problem … We started to build a community center together with refugees, decide what and how we want to do it, and later to also run it by them … We fight for humanity – expect us to win! No risk, no fun. Everything seems impossible until it’s done.


Estelle, 27, from France is a co-director of Yoga and Sports for Refugees, which is now also part of One Happy family project.
She is organizing running trainings, swimming classes, boxing classes like taekwondo, kickboxing for women, self-defense classes for women, Yoga classes, fitness classes … ”We started this project because sports and yoga can really help mental health, for people staying in camps, to live in a peaceful environment. If we do not educate our children or the next generation about what is happening and why it is happening, it’s never going to change.” >


Lena from Lesbos island: “They try to convince us that we are war-logs, and by nature selfish … Otherwise, we will die sooner or later, that this is nature of our race. No, no, this concept totally fucked up our planet, this is how ‘they’ want people to think, and a majority do not use much brain, that is true, but I believe many young people want something different …” Lena runs a very popular restaurant where refugees and locals cook and serve. Half a million crossed Mikilini – the capital, so Lesbos also was a start-up group for setting up Pikpa camp, where 50,000 people went through since 2012. You can change things by doing things, and this change will be multiplied by other people, and so on.”


Lefteris from Ikaria
“I go to pick up plants usually in the morning, then I make a product. And in the afternoon, I have guided tours. I organize interpretive experiences, it’s about regenerative tourism, as I call it. So I’m trying to slow them down a little bit, and to get them in contact with the character of Ikaria, and if I manage to inspire some of them, I’m quite happy. So what I’m trying to do is to raise social and environmental awareness … Now we started a new project to renovate a refuge place on top of the mountain, as well as look after a hectare of land, since we want to prove that many different plants and endemic trees are growing up there. There are five times too many animals – goats and sheep – on the island, and shepherds are denying it … Not long ago, Ikaria was one of the most forested islands in the Aegean sea. Direct democracy, communalism and de-growths were the values of Ikarian people in the past, and we’re not even aware of it. One of the projects across the whole country is to develop society in line with these values…We (Lefteris and wife ) support other producers, our place is open for visitors, so we try to raise awareness about the idea of self-sufficiency.” Lefteris also spends time in his lab to implement old knowledge of using herbs. ” We know that natural substances when they are combined like it is done in nature, are completely different from doing concentrated substances synthetically or extracting substances and use them in high concentration.” As for many on the islands, specialization is actually having different types of knowledge which are related to the basic needs to live.” >>  Ikarian Footprints


Women coop on Ikaria island
Gabi came from Italy. “It was no coincidence that we founded the cooperative for women: Women on such small islands have very little opportunities to find a job, also because when the children are small, there is no kindergarten or other childcare, and the good thing about women cooperative is that you don’t have to work 8 hours a day, but everyone is able to contribute as much as she can, the salary depends on the working hours, not the month. So a housewife or a mother who raises her children can work on a flexible schedule. And women have more power, that is just the way it is.
What they do: it is a sweet shop, pie shop, food shop, with fruit products, coffee place … All done from local ingredients from neighboring farmers. 7 women, two of which foreigners, are running the coop. It started in November 2009


Dimitris from Ikaria ”I came back because I made a deal with my wife that if we have a child, the child must grow up in a safe and healthy environment, which is not Athens. I think for example my child here on Ikaria from six years on goes alone to the town to the Square because everybody is checking what’s going on and looking at my child, as  I am looking for the well-being of other children. We do not have policeman here, we are doing the job by ourselves, always checking if everything is OK so the thieves don’t steal anything, because if the owner catches you, they hit you and the only way to survive this is to run to the police station, but we don’t have it here…” Dimitris has three diplomas and does many jobs. His big concern and activity is to study, explore, preserve and educate others about the Ikaria natural environment. He is a speleologist and knows over 40 caves in Ikaria. He is also in a rescue team. ”I do many things, because I don’t like to be bored … I try to show the nature, the beauty of the pictures to the locals especially … That’s why I do photography.”


Urania is a dedicated and native Ikarian. Her father opened the first tourist agency on the island, which upheld the values for sustainable tourism from the very beginning. “When we started the agency, I remember my mother saying we should do it in the way that will not spoil the island. I use my skills, art and knowledge in tourism …  All the aspects of our life come from aesthetics  Aesthetics has nothing to do with art only, it’s about how we choose the people around us, our environment, how we dress, what we eat. Aesthetics is also very much related to harmony, and harmony is based on the human proportions. The purpose is to be in balance, and in that case we never go against the natural flow of energies. Aesthetics will make us better, will make us happy, because according to our taste, we choose our partner or our lifestyle, a glass of wine we enjoy, and finally, this is the meaning of life. But we don’t pay much attention to aesthetics. We have to train children to watch, to observe, and make their own choices.  For me, this is the beginning of one’s personality. It all has to do with our lower instinct, but if we don’t use aesthetics, we cannot be the master of our instinct logic and soul. Brain and soul,  it is these two potentials that we have to balance. We must respect our contribution to, or our existence in the universe, and not try to force the change of the rules, because then it’s really toxic and catastrophic. Aesthetics is about the big chapter. It is a big part of philosophy. This canbe applied philosophy in life, this is the key to make us open windows, to see things differently , to re-estimate our position as humans, as individuals, smaller groups, as well as people as part of the universe. Dolihi Tours, Urania Mytika

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Workshop with Marko Pogačnik on the archipelago of Vis – September 2019


Participants were from Croatia and Slovenija mostly scholars of the second year of school of Geomancy, assistants for the field exercises, some permanent collaborators as well as organisers of the event from the island..18 altogether! The focus of the workshop of intensive 2 nad half days connecting, understanding, communicating and acting in imagination for the wellbeing of island Vis and Biševo.

The main push to do the workshop on the archipelago of Vis was an invitation of LAG ŠKOI - Manuela Antičević, who was also the organiser of the event.

Among the visited places were: church of Marija Gusarica-Komiža, the chapel of SV. Mikula above Komiža, the monastery of SV. Jeronimo-town of Vis, Duhova cave also known as TITO headquarters during II WW, Stiniva beach, the monastery of SV.Nikola above Komiža,  Biševo island -Blue cave, The sea bear cave and Odyssey library, Sv Ante Padovanski on Plisko plain...

 The workshop was held on Vis and Biševo island- in Adriatic.     

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Exhibition “Barke” (Boats) by Ivana Petan-ceramics and BojanB-prints

The opening took place in the courtyard of the Bianchini palace, now Museum of Stari Grad, Hvar island on 11th September at 11 am!

The multimedia exhibitionBarke” (Boats) is built by three elements. The first is Bojan Brecelj’s photographs, focusing on the construction of wooden boats on the island of Samos in the Aegean Sea, which is one of the few places in the Mediterranean where wooden boats are sought and masters still have a lot to do! (collection of 7 prints-limited edition 100 x 70cm and 110x 30cm )

Looking at the strong structures of the boats made of wood growing here, on the hill above the sea… the questions appeared: Is this the past? What is really the future of sea travel? Having in mind these questions, these photographs were created.

The second element of the exhibition is ceramic sculptural works of Ivana Petan – abstract forms of boats, made in the technique of paper-porcelain, chamotte clay and glazes.

In the hours when the sea and sky are painted in the same colour, they look like one big blue. Through it, beings of different worlds draw traces of innumerable shapes, creating a unique mandala of destinies. Each trace tells its story – its creation, its path and its mission that it yearns for. To imprint the traces of sea, to take its form, it happens through the respect, hearing and participation of all visible and invisible phenomena that create the whole of the open and every moment of the new water-air space of life.

The third element of the exhibition is image&sound track TRACES OF MED LAND PROJECT 2019/1 a project on which the creation of this entire exhibition is built on. The soundscape was created by Eleonora Pauli.

more images and the opening:

collection of 7 prints-limited edition 100 x 70cm and 110x 30cm are available as special offer at:

MED Land get involved –PATRON page 

Posted by bojanb
5 years ago