Seeds of Palestine Dreams:
SEEDS OF PALESTINE dreans, is the title of 2nd edition of a book, where 99 Palestinians expres in selfportrait and[...]
Lui Petrič
Just before Lui Petrič left, he gave his final quote..Lui Petrič final Qwhatever in the human being is, everybody works[...]
Visiting -Svetac and Brusnik islands in Adriatic
 ..goving over the sea never repets Coming from the 2D world by default and continuing on the surface of the 3D[...]
In between – Aine
If I was to describe the 4 weeks' time of Inbetweening with Áine, I’d use the sentence ‘Is that so?’[...]
In between – handower…
The times in which we are living is...MEDLand project is... In Between The engine, the heartbeat of Nalu was handover[...]
In between-Nalu’s engine surgery 
The times in which we are living is;  In Between MEDLand project is; In Between The engine, the heartbeat of[...]
Natural space is fundamentally a free space..
Ivana Petan(the author of the story),actively participated in the project many times and in many ways, from the very beginning[...]
ABOVE expectations..
2021 MED Land destinations were Peloponnese and Crete. Ivana Petan, Ida Glušič, Matej Michalec and BB were the team.MEDLand 2021 Ivana,[...]
Zlatka from Crete
Zlatka grew up in Slovenia, but "I was hitchhiking from Chania to Kissamos. It was 1985 or 1986. So somebody[...]
Exhibition »VENICE – EMBRYO OF THE NEW EARTH SPACE« is extended
 'Summary' : Six years ago, MED Land project started in Venice, and in 2020, Venice was again inspiring me in[...]
From Peloponnese(GR) to Hvar islaland, sailing and photography
 IZREDNA priložnost, da veš več o fotografiji in jadranju EXCELLENT opportunity to know more about photography and sailing >> in[...]
A discourse with Ikaria island
    Can We?        talk to the island Bojan > The cause: the inspiration to do the[...]
Coming back to the carob trees
In Crete, a true magic happened. By meeting Korinna, we got a chance to learn about the great value of[...]
Bringing forest back to Earth -The Southern Lights project
film by  Ida Glušič »The older the tree gets, the harder you can manage. If you have an avocado tree,[...]
#6 Coming and Going – MEDland Project (June 2021)
Three hours by car could be three days traveling with the wind and currents - it actually took us three[...]
Dimitris Therianos an expert for polyphenols, update 2021
film by Ida Glušič : I joined MEDland project at Zakynthos island in Jonian sea. I was waiting for Bojan[...]
#5 Between Ionian islands – “A good stop at the Therianos family” (MEDland Project, June 2021)
From Othoni through the Paxoi to Zakynthos - journey goes on. This time meeting Therianos family again - that was[...]
#4 Meeting Yiannis again – MEDland Project (June 2021)
It's about six years ago when Bojan met Yannis for a first time. Nearly every year Bojan come again on[...]
#3 Over the open sea – MEDland Project (June 2021)
Why we are on the sea again: to take of from our virtual “mind you gap” comfort zone?My motivation is[...]
#2 The trip – MEDland Project (June 2021)
We are on the board. And peaceful Adriatic sea carries us from Hvar to islands Korčula and Mljet. We are[...]
1# Now – MEDland Project (May 2021)
Look inside of busy beggining of our cruise...through the eyes of new member of the crew - slovak film-maker/graphic designer[...]
NEW BOOKs from Venice where it ALL started
Get your copy of the NEW photo book on Venice, featuring photographs taken in 2020, which will be officially released[...]
I made a deal with my wife
 Dimitris Lesses from Ikaria: "I came back because I made a deal with my wife that if we have a[...]
Setting UP Art residency-tiny house on the island of Ikaria -Aegean sea
2021: A year to stay at home? Can we really live without physical interactionwith living beings, visible and invisible,lands,places,elements,like sea?Ikaria Island[...]
Urania & five boxes
"The measure, the aesthetics and the human are three different keys for happiness and balance in our lives, because you[...]
What’s Going On By Giacomo Colonnelli
 Bojan explains - what is all about - what is the outcome of the project till now- who actually profit from[...]
Something about Gregor
Gregor is known for his special way of simple living and activism based on loving kindness beyond all boundaries. Gregor[...]
Lena-there was no time for personal life
Lena from Lesbos island: “They try to convince us that we are warlords, and selfish by nature …  That otherwise, we[...]
“The Last Days” & the first steps for a long-term art group project on the island of Ikaria
... Every day is the last day ...These were the last days when the Coronavirus was still “safe in China”.[...]
razglas- sodelavanje- prodaja
pozivam k sodelovanju za kreativno delo trženja “produktov” MED Land projekta - predvsem fotografij, zgodb in keramike / potrebno je[...]
The first three days of 2020
THE TEAM; Ivana Petan, Gregor Erjavec, Petra Petan and Bojan The first three days of 2020 we, MAD Landers, spend on island Hvar - THE[...]
Venice update
on 29 of December 2019 Marko Pogačnik (author of many books about Venice) and Bojan, had a day trip to experinc[...]
THE MED Land team, May–September 2019
THE TEAM; Eleonora Pauli, Laura Mangunda, Ivana Petan, and Ayané >>> Eleonora Pauli studied literature and languages in Berlin and[...]
Upcoming stories from the Aegean and Marmara Sea,May–September 2019
From Athens to Constantinople and back, through East Aegean sea and as south as Patmos island - here is the[...]
Workshop with Marko Pogačnik on the archipelago of Vis – September 2019
Participants were from Croatia and Slovenija mostly scholars of the second year of school of Geomancy, assistants for the field[...]
Exhibition “Barke” (Boats) by Ivana Petan-ceramics and BojanB-prints
The opening took place in the courtyard of the Bianchini palace, now Museum of Stari Grad, Hvar island on 11th[...]
Meeting a Japanese sailor, Wakao Yoshikatu
It was such a precious coincidence meeting a Japanese sailor, Wakao Yoshikatu on the island of Ikaria, Greece. /interview, transcription[...]
Meeting Antoni Font Gelabert
While staying in the port town of Agios Kirykos in Ikaria island, we met with Antoni Font Gelabert. Antoni has[...]
Three faces of Lesbos
Lesbos lately became famous for the „most unbearable refugee camp in the world“ as they call it here. Now, we[...]
Embraced by Samothraki: The mountain in the Sea
“Either you love it - or you hate it and you have to leave immediately” was a sentence repeated by[...]
Making a “story” Bojan explains
"To do the story it is to connect to a person because this stories are personal stories. A person that[...]
Christodoulos and Ulysses traveling together: over the Marmara Sea to the Bosporus / Troy and Constantinople
Here are our news from Turkey: Christos - doctor and psychiatrist - sailed through the Dardanelles, the Marmara Sea and[...]
Christodoulos and Ulysses traveling together : The knowledge about Philoktitis and the healing properties of terra limnea
Here are our news from Limnos: On this island, Christos - doctor and psychiatrist - is guided by an ancient[...]
Christodoulos and Ulysses (Ὀδύσσεια Odýsseia) traveling together
The fist team of 2019 MEDLand storytellig-project is related to the last recorded story in 2018: Christodoulos is the heart[...]
Workshop with Marko Pogačnik on the island of Hvar
​Participants were from Croatia and Slovenia, mostly second year students of geomancy  Hvar island is MED land home island/ port for[...]
The first and The last
What is Patreon?
Patreon is a platform for creatives enabling easier connection between Patrons and projects/project makers. As a Patron, you contribute on[...]
project in Palestine :
Eyad Tamallah, 20 ....I have many dreams. The big dream is for the world to be in peace. I believe[...]
Upcoming stories from the Aegean Sea, May–September 2018
From the last to the first and back, here is the list of the stories that are “in the fridge”,[...]
Water Dragon of Venice – Exhibition in Zadar
>23.10.2018-21.11.2018< Water dragon of Venice project was firs time presented in Galerija Fotografija Ljubljana and galleria of Italian Institute in[...]
Volunteer Kubilay Günther
>08.10.2018<Besides being involved into the MED Land Project see how our volunteer Kubilay Günther enjoys his wonderful time with us...
about MED Land Project – 
Interview with Bojan Brecelj
"After 21 days of intensive time, off and shore of Aegean islands I got inspirited to do an interview with Bojan[...]
Making Of: Dr. Christodoulos Xenakis
>04.10.2018< Dr. Christodoulos XenakisWe had a chance to meet the fabulous neurologist and psychiatrist Dr. Christodoulos Xenakis, who was born[...]
Making Of: Mediterranean wooden boatbuilder
>01.10.2018> Giorgos and Stella are a married couple living on Samos island in Greece. Together they build wooden boats in[...]
Meeting Eileen Botsford
>30.09.2018< Two times I had the chance to meet Eileen Botsford. She was born in Athens but brought up on[...]
Making Of: Mimis and Dimitris
>27.09.2018>“If you dont see where you are going, you go where you see”Mimi - Martoulas Dimitris was born and lives[...]
>12. 6. 2018< Nicholas is a manager of 6 five star hotels in Greece. As an investment and on the[...]
Making Of – Lively island of Paros
>10.06.2018< We have spent the past few days exploring the beautiful and lively island of Paros, where we have met[...]
Making Of: Creative hearts of Syros
>08.06.2018< The island of Syros is a very interesting place, with a serene atmosphere and an array of creative, open-minded[...]
Syros “the centre of the world”
>02.6.2018< A few days ago we landed on Syros, the capital island of the Cyclades group in the Aegean sea.[...]
UPDATE of the story of Yiannis Katehis
MAY 2018: After one year, Nalu landed on this divine island once again. The first person we came across that[...]
Get involved into the project, travelling by sailing boat in the Aegean sea !
After two weeks sailing through the Medtitarranean sea from Croatia, we are now in the island of Syros, in the[...]
How can you track what is going on? Lesson n°1, Ladies and Gentlemen! Video by Vjeko Tadic
Between the deep blue sea and the deep blue sea!
First sail in the Aegan sea today.... 
Sunday morning in Ithaka Island
  After spending a beautiful morning with Ester Van Zuylen(Story here.)we sailed out a bit late from the beautiful Ithaka. VIDEO
New year new flag!
>11. 5. 2018<We started the journey with a new flag! 
Japec Jakopin: Internautica 2018
Our dear friend Japec Jakopin wrote an insightful editorial for 2018 Internautica catalogue where MED Land project is mentioned as[...]
3 Days and 3 Nights Trip
>9. 5. 2018<The journey has begun on Friday the 4th! Our first "step" was 3 days and 3 nights long,[...]
Mala Mare, a farewell song
>4. 5. 2018<Before we sailed away, friends came to greet us on the boat. We drank a glass of wine[...]
Thank you, Huck – Željko Perović!
>3. 5. 2018<Huck got hooked a year ago. He is a professional sailmaker and everybody in sailing world in a[...]
Bojan speaks of MED in DELO News!
>30. 4. 2018<Bojan speaks MED as of a plan to (re)present people who bring the spirit of collaboration for sustainable,[...]
NEW Story: Rolf Brunner and Klara Koitler
>22. 4. 2018< "First, I just waited, I worked at my job for half a year, and the other half[...]
NEW Story: Panos Moraitis
>12. 4. 2018< "I can only get 3 cents per kilogram of wool! So I do not sell it at[...]
NEW Story: Chirsantos Manos Karavias
>12. 4. 2018< "I came here (on Ithaca) in 2000 and nobody talks about business and money, and I said "OK,[...]
Easter in Pitve-Svirče-Stari Grad
As part of 3D>2D photo workshop /bb/ we witness Easter in Pitve-Svirče-Stari GradZa križen [za kriʒen] (local vernacular Croatian for[...]
NEW Story: Gioula Noutsatou
>22. 3. 2018< "In Ithaca, there are so many trees and herbs around, and nobody knows about them. That was[...]
A trip to Borovik/workshop
MED Land project aims to give a young people from the mainland an opportunity to develope the project in different[...]
NEW Story: Therina Soupionas
>10. 3. 2018< "...Basically the project is the odyssey of the soul, the odyssey of the soul coming to your[...]
NEW Story: Ester van Zuylen
>10. 3. 2018< "I don’t know what exactly made the changes in me, maybe the place, maybe my age, but[...]
Two photography+video workshops on island Hvar
>15. 2. 2018< Dve fotografski/video delavnici v skupnem zamahu na otoku Hvaru - Starti Grad,  27.-31. marec - (pred)velikonočni dnevi[...]
NEW Story: Dimitrios Therianos
>11. 2. 2018< "Zakynthos has a positive energy, thin, fine, can be everywhere, energy to take care not only for[...]
Linking with Greece “East bank” via Ferry
>15. 1. 2018< We went scouting to connect to the land and people on Aegean side of the “Med” for[...]
NEW Story: Leila and Harwig Morth
>26. 12. 2017< "We make our own olive oil ... in a very easygoing way." Read full story.
NEW story: Yiannis Katehis
>23. 11. 2017< “I met some people who have interest in doing things for the island... Slowly, I started to[...]
Preliminary trip to Sicily
>15. 10. 2017< Dragi zavezniki, dragi prijatelji, dragi sodelujoči in spremljajoči, povezani v projektu MED Land, ki je na sledi[...]
Dance with Mary – exhibition/instalation
>22. 7. 2017< There is a dance going on! After the opening on 22 of July 2017, the Adriatic-Mediterranean space -[...]
Destination Othonoi
>28. 6. 2017< Othonoi island is the first or the last of Ionian islands. It lies opposite Albania. Its name[...]
Destination Zante
>23. 6. 2017< The island of Zante in Ionian sea, formally known as Zakynthos, is formally an intensive tourist destination,[...]
Destination Ithaca
>15. 6. 2017< On Ithaca, MED project started to roll … 8 stories by 11 storytellers were completed. They will[...]
First destination: Ionian islands
>4. 6. 2017< Our first destination of 2017 is Greece, Ionian islands, from May 15 until end of June. Othonoi,[...]
New sails!
>2. 2. 2017< One Sails Slovenia, company of Huck -Željko Perović made NEW sails for MED Land project boat, Nalu. Main[...]
Traces of MED Land Project
>27. 1. 2017< See our first publicly shown  interactive-slideshow about the MED Land project -Nights of Museums /Museum of Stari[...]
“Towards the MED family string fields“
>19. 12. 2016< Developing the network!
1st Research trip report!
>28. 10. 2016< After the MED project was on the paper a true need to do a basic research trip came up ...[...]
Sailing invitation
>1. 9. 2016< Announcement! 12 September - 9 October Looking for a crew of two people who are wishing to experience[...]
NEW Story: Matko Zagalo
>4. 4. 2016< ".....I consider myself living in paradise, but when I say this to my wife she says, again[...]
NEW Story: Jelena Gracin
>3. 4. 2016< "...My dream was actually to come and live on island Hvar, but I did not know how[...]
Defining the project
>1. 4. 2016< During April till June 2016 a core team/board members Eva Marn, Japec Jakopin, Stan Coenders and Bojan[...]
Water Dragon of Venice
>22. 1. 2016< GALERIJA FOTOGRAFIJA Ljubljana / 19thJanuary-20February 2016 The series of photographies were created mainly in the period from July[...]
Photography workshop under the sails
>17. 6. 2015< Announcement and invitation: Photography workshop under the sails on a sailboat Sutorman:1-8 August >Conditions and the PRICE[...]
>5. 6. 2015< ………Group project 7/8DAYS exploring the identity of the Mediterranean space, was recently held in Split – Dalmatia[...]
Mediterranean ring / MayLand > My Land (working title)
>22. 3. 2012< Expressing the identity, (“Back-ground”) Proposed by: Bojan Brecelj /Slovenian artist, Photographer Keywords: art (research) project, self-portraits, identity[...]
Nalu is a Sciarelli wooden catbot. This wooden bot is totally part of the MED Land Project.Nalu, a wooden professionally[...]
Venetians in Venice about Venice
Facing Venice is a project in itself as well as is the initial project for a larger project "Mediterranean ring",[...]