Tag Archives forHvar

Lui Petrič

Just before Lui Petrič left, he gave his final quote..

Lui Petrič final Q

whatever in the human being is, everybody works and wants to know whether it is his or not his if you do not have that policy, stability what you are working for and money,,, aye it is aye than it is terrible.. for instance Israel was saved because of kibbutzim.. there is no money, once there is no money you have to listen..then other people think for you ..pollution is the greatest enemy, we destroy nature...

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NEW channel! where all WGO MEDLand videos appear

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Posted by bojanb
8 months ago

In between – Aine

If I was to describe the 4 weeks' time of Inbetweening with Áine, I’d use the sentence ‘Is that so?’ from a story about Zen master Hakuin that Áine told me one day on the boat.

A very ‘humble, disciple, and great master in one’-soul; young, full of passion to learn, to experiment, to be persistent, but also willing to surrender when need be…; is that so.

Formally we got stuck with the maintenance work on the boat that was not finished in time to do the planned MED trip BUT! we took this trip from day to day heading through MED Land tasks that always need to be done.. for the good reason to create conditions where we can meet and exchange what and for what we are ..

Aine started a new Youtube channel for MEDLand Project, and created three videos during her time here – including a video specifically about our In Between-time:

What is Med Land Project? -intro on youtube

This video briefly describing what Med Land Project is, why it exists, where it operates, how it came to be, and what it aims to do. If you are interested in a deeper explanation, please hop over to this video:https://youtu.be/7YPMWxGlpPY by Aine

In Between: Nalu's Engine Surgery

  video:https://youtu.be/D8V8dTYc3c0 by Aine

In Between: Handover

s video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6LHy09eUAY by Aine

AND :  image review-selection of Ainas pics from that time, that I can point out :

1,2 - dynamic composition, by default static- main object in the center BUT here  front and background is in a dynamic relationship and makes photos beautiful 

3 - again every bit has a sense here..I start and end looking where the eyes should be and I do not miss them! 

4- a detail with a lot of stories that light and color speak directly 

5- the light dominates here! light has a form..

6- if you forget about the bike and observe only shadow ..photo starts to "move on " 


images of a storyteller :-))

...wrigting, droving, filming, photografing ...  storytelling 

follow her here https://www.youtube.com/c/AineDonnellan

and Instagram of-course : https://www.instagram.com/ainedonnellan/

Support the publishing of the next story!

NEW channel! where all WGO MEDLand videos appear

subscribe :-)) 

Posted by bojanb
a couple of years ago

Clone of Clone of The first three days of 2020 – 800×600 PX

THE TEAM; Ivana Petan, Gregor Erjavec, Petra Petan and Bojan 

The first three days of 2020 we, MAD Landers, spend on island Hvar – THE home port of Nalu and main office for the project, located in Museum of Stari Grad (MED Land partner)


The trip started from the Split main ferry port.


Gregor Erjavec on January 1st 2020 in Stari Grad, Adriatic island Hvar. In 1996 Gregor and his friends started “Slovenia Tibet support group” NGO. He never declared himself as Buddhist practitioner, in fact he travels more to Arab and African countries…


Margi was once fisherman with her own boat… she likes jewelry and also draws. On January 1st 2020 she held her “first  2020 open exhibition” of some of her collections on the Helios hotel beach.


The “first three days of 2020 Hvar tracking team ” Ivana, Gregor, Petra (designer of MED Land logo)


Hvar island -view from Humac towards Sv Nikola 626m

island Hvar – or anywhere I move last days – my attention on emerging “more subtle organic new world” gives me another observation – beyond explanation-s


Sv.Nikola highest peak on Hvar island -626 m

Ivana Petan -ceramic artist is invoved, cooperate and support MED Land project from the beginig

Ivana Petan  ceramict artist -is supporting and creating MED Land project from the beginning

Ivana Petan -ceramic artist is invoved, cooperate and support MED Land project from the begining

Island Hvar is 72 km long and has meadows all along the island. Walking here feels like moving along the Dragon back.

Humac – island Hvar – was once a rich village

Humac – island Hvar – was once a rich village.

Jane: “We were staying on the top of island Hvar, in the vicinity of Sv. Nikola peak, for three month and now we are going back to village Dol…” Jane moved from London many years back and runs Yoga retreat place in village Dol – island Hvar.

view on island Vis from island Hvar

island Hvar – or anywhere I move last days – my attention on emerging “more subtle organic new world” gives me another observation – beyond explanation-s

3rd January 2020


Workshop with Marko Pogačnik on the island of Hvar

Exhibition “Barke” (Boats) by Ivana Petan-ceramics and BojanB-prints

Mala Mare, a farewell song

Easter in Pitve-Svirče-Stari Grad

Dance with Mary – exhibition/instalation

A trip to Borovik/workshop


I call this heaven

“I came home”

“Why not? All is possible”

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

The first three days of 2020

THE TEAM; Ivana Petan, Gregor Erjavec, Petra Petan and Bojan 

The first three days of 2020 we, MAD Landers, spend on island Hvar - THE home port of Nalu and main office for the project, located in Museum of Stari Grad (MED Land partner)


The trip started from the Split main ferry port.

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago

Venice update

on 29 of December 2019 

Marko Pogačnik (author of many books about Venice) and Bojan, had a day trip to experinc Venice.

Venice is birth place of MED Land project as well as the home for the first year of the project, which was dedicated to Venice -lagon resulting in exhibition-Water dragon of Venice and Self-published art book , second 
layout  Water Dragon of Venice – Exhibition in Zadar


                                                                                                                                                                                   the present, in a transitional, transit time ; the present, which is part of the process and changes to come, is already happening and announcing new relationships and new arrangements (also) in the beingness of Venice 


Campo San Via

taking photos were for me, part of the process to get in touch with :

disbanded space

air landscape - appearing somewhere in between water and earth (disintegrating) space

parallel realties that I felt also in the past, but not the same !

Venice (lagon) is vital from its own roots and like many other “special”, intensive, sacred  spaces, inspires me to connect to Earth in the time of changes


Giudecca- Chiesa di Sant Efemia




Giudecca- Chiesa di Sant Efemia-garden


 Giudecca-Chiesa di Sant Efemia-garden


Convento SS. Cosma e Damiano


Convento SS. Cosma e Damiano,


Chiessa dela Redentore -Giudecca






San Pietro di Castello


San Pietro di Castello


Chiesa della Madonna dell'Orto

project, stories and news form with YOUR support  <> join US with a monthly donation, travel with US, touch new places and people, network with us- it's the Mediterranean!

Posted by bojanb
4 years ago