All Posts by Ida Glusic

Bringing forest back to Earth -The Southern Lights project

film by  Ida Glušič

»The older the tree gets, the harder you can manage. If you have an avocado tree, which is like 5 m tall and you still pick avocados it is not the same thing as if it's 25 m high and you can not pick them anymore … So you just leave this avocado tree. It will still producing, but you will not be able to manage it. So you just go to the new land. It depends where you are on the earth. In the Amazon it will goes faster as you are in the Alps. It's gona take way more time to go into a primary forest. That's the idea to take the evolution of agroculture to the primary forest, which is defined by the death. Natural death of adult trees.« 

Quote about forest farming: Chan Sac Balam (collaborating with southern lights)More about Chan:

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Released by MED Land project 2021 June/ film Ida Glušič  editing:Ida Glušič, BB, photo: BB, voice : interview with Sheila Darmos  

Dimitris Therianos an expert for polyphenols, update 2021

..and some pics from IDA >>>

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Released by MED Land project / film,  , editing: Ida Glušič text bb -  MED Land productin (WGO 2021)
