Archive Monthly Archives: May 2018

UPDATE of the story of Yiannis Katehis

MAY 2018: After one year, Nalu landed on this divine island once again. The first person we came across that morning was Yiannis. We embraced like we really fell, like old friends … I asked him about the news since we last saw each other, and in the next 10 minutes, I was already recording his great achievements in challenging his biggest fear, oil. See the end of the Yiannis story: MAKE IT LIVABLE!

Posted by bojanb
6 years ago

Get involved into the project, travelling by sailing boat in the Aegean sea !

After two weeks sailing through the Mediterranean sea from Croatia, we are now in the island of Syros, in the Cyclades, already meeting many interesting islanders for the project.

The French-Croatian crew had to return to their own horizons, and Medland is now looking for one new soul to be part of the project, from now (27/05) to the 23 of June 2018! 

The fields of work will, of course, be related to the photo/film storytelling method:

  • Filming and photography skills for documenting – making off 
  • Basic experience on the sailing boat
  • FB, Instagram updating 
  • (journalist research work)
  • (proofreading in English)

Your task will be to be involved by documenting with film and photography, by working on the making-off of the project. 

It is very important that you have some experience and basic skills on the sea and sailing to be active also on the way from islands to islands. 

Living conditions: 

You will live on our beautiful wooden boat “Nalu“, in your own cabin. And vegetarian meal will be provided!

being part of this project will allow to really get an experience in the realisation of a photographic and journalistic project. That can really be unique!!

Nalu is now in the Cyclades, the Aegean side of Greece, on the island of Syros, and the next destination is the island of Paros. You will be able to join me by ferry or by (cheap) flight from Athens!

Then we will be sailing the sea via Naxos, more to the Turkish side, to smaller islands, like Lipsi, Fourni… and ending up the trip on Chios (next toTurkey) around 23th of June!

To apply, contact us here: 


How can you track what is going on? Lesson n°1, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Video by Vjeko Tadic

Japec Jakopin: Internautica 2018

Our dear friend Japec Jakopin wrote an insightful editorial for 2018 Internautica catalogue where MED Land project is mentioned as well.
Since it’s so beautifully written we wish to share it with you. It manages to capture the essence of the MED as we understand it.
The editorial here is in slovene, but the catalogue is in english and you can find it here.


Naše morje

Moje morje je naše morje in morje vseh nas.

Kakor ga doživljamo mi, se je od Piranskega zaliva razlilo vzdolž Istre, po Jadranu, in skozi Jonsko morje do celega Sredozemlja.

In naše morje ni samo za piransko cerkvijo, ampak prav tako ob Mrtovcu ali Jabuki, na Itaki ali Zakintosu.

Sredozemlje ima edinstveno in karizmatično istovetnost.  Povezuje tri celine in je zibelka zahodne civilizacije, na križišču vseh poti  s severa na jug, ali z vzhoda proti zahodu. Tisočletne civilizacije so na tem kulturno rodovitnem substratu zgradile ideje in miselnost, ki je osnova naše duhovnosti – in bivanja.

Miriade lokalnih kultur, zlite v  sredozemsko, so oblikovale vzorce preživetja, trajnostnega načina življenja, ustvarjalnosti in socialne strpnosti. Ti so postali vzor celotnega človeštva. 

Ko se je v Jeruzalemu kralj David še pričkal s svojimi ženami, so Liburni na sredini vzhodnega Jadrana zgradili svoje mesto, ki so ga imenovali Jadra. Bili so odlični morjeplovci in ladjedelci, od katerih so se Rimljani učili gradnje ladij. Oboji so se na naših obalah zlili z Dalmati, Iliri in Etruščani.  Do tega stičišča svetov – in kultur – so kasneje prišla najbolj na zahod razširjena slovanska plemena.

In zdaj smo prišli do čudovitega obdobja,  ki ga niti slutiti nismo mogli .  Bratstvo med evropskimi narodi in državami je zaživelo v skupni povezavi, ki bo kmalu odpravila še zadnje meje in prepreke – med plemeni, narodi in državami. Naše sredozemsko morje je postalo skupni dom vseh, ki imamo morje neskončno radi in ga nadvse občudujemo.  S svojimi slanimi valovi, bleščečo svetlobo, prijaznim podnebjem, vonjavami borovega gozdička, melodijami škržatov, in izbiro najbolj zdrave prehrane nam podarja vse, kar nam v mestnem življenju manjka. Morda – na srečo – ne povsem večnega življenja,  ampak balzam za dušo in korenito zmanjšanje biološke starosti.

O vsem tem razločno govorijo slikovne in besedne pripovedi Bojana Breclja, fotografa, pisca in človekoljuba, ki se s skoraj pol stoletja staro majhno leseno jadrnico odpravlja po Sredozemlju. Zapisuje resnične slike o ljudeh, ki s svojo zgodbo potrjujejo vse, kar smo zapisali o našem morju.

Naša naloga pa je, da morje ohranimo za naše otroke in vnuke vsaj tako čisto in lepo  kot so ga nam zapustili naši predniki.  To je pa že téma letošnje Internautice, ki je skupni imenovalec naše ljubezni do morja.

In želimo ji : na mnoga leta!

Japec Jakopin

3 Days and 3 Nights Trip

>9. 5. 2018<

The journey has begun on Friday the 4th!
Our first “step” was 3 days and 3 nights long, with only one tiny 3h stop on Lastovo, the last island in Croatia.
Our departure was blessed by many friends who came on the boat to greet us goodbye, drank a glass of wine to farewell of our trip and sang “Mala Mare”.  Even the rain and the storms in the nights didn’t  break the harmonious-ness of the trip. We landed on Othonoi – Yiannis Katehis island (Make it Livable) and Yiannis was awaiting for us in Antonis Bar.
Expect the updates of his story with what happened afterwords!


Vida Ogorelc

Vida Ogorelc is the key player in NGO reality of Slovenija with establishing UMANOTERA which is now an important player in launching a project for sustainable development. She does contribute to the MED Land project with her financial support and enthusiastic response.

Jelka Brecelj

Jelka Brecelj is Bojan’s dear sister and one of the biggest fans of the project, especially enjoying the photos! It is a great support beside regular financial support as in “godmothering the next story”. Her proffesional expertise goes exactly in the opposite direction than Bojan’s: from the eye to the brain with long career as a researcher at University Eye Hospital.
