All Posts by gajanaja

I call this heaven

Matko Zagalo’s top destination is his vineyards at the southern side of the island of Hvar in the Adriatic — in Sveta Nedelja, where he begins his day before sunrise, at 4 p.m. …
See full story. 

“I came home”

Jelena Gracin moved from Zagreb to the island of Hvar in 2013. Still today she is convinced that living on the island is the best she could choose
See full story.

NEW Story: Gioula Noutsatou

>22. 3. 2018<

“In Ithaca, there are so many trees and herbs around, and nobody knows about them. That was one of my thoughts, to collect herbs and maybe make oil, or sell them to the market. There are so many things we could do…”

Read full story.


A trip to Borovik/workshop

MED Land project aims to give a young people from the mainland an opportunity to develope the project in different ways. Right now in Stari Grad there are two enthusiasts (Charlotte &Teja) helping on the project.

On 11th of March, Charlotte and Teja received a challenge from their mentor Bojan. They had to document a trip to Borovik by the help of photography and video, which are the fields where they want to make a progress.

We are happy to present you the result.

This video is a record of Stari Grad “locally for locals” organized walking tour to abounded village on the inner valley on island Hvar, named Borovik, localy called Machu Pichu.

Video: Charlotte Zabtelab
Photo: Teja Pahor


NEW Story: Therina Soupionas

>10. 3. 2018<

“…Basically the project is the odyssey of the soul, the odyssey of the soul coming to your own home. Your true home because we all are refuges in our own heart until we come to our home.”

Read full story.

NEW Story: Ester van Zuylen

>10. 3. 2018<

“I don’t know what exactly made the changes in me, maybe the place, maybe my age, but I’ve learned to go with the flow, accept things more. There were a lot of problems to adapt, to interact with the people and find a place for yourself here. So I found my place by walking, by taking people for walks and hikes in the mountains and all around. And I thought of this on my own… I thought, “I can do this. This would be good to do.” This has meant a lot to me. I feel very lucky.”

Read full story.

Two photography+video workshops on island Hvar

>15. 2. 2018<

Dve fotografski/video delavnici v skupnem zamahu na otoku Hvaru – Starti Grad,  27.-31. marec – (pred)velikonočni dnevi
two photography+video workshops in one place and time
on island Hvar – Stari grad town – Croatia (Split region)
march 27-31 – pre-Easter days

Pripovedovalska delavnica s Stratisom Vogiatzisom

Vabimo k prijavi na štiridnevno delavnico vizualnega pripovedništva skozi medij filma in fotografije. Delavnica je namenjena fotografom in filmskim ustvarjalcem s poznavanjem osnovnih zakonitosti   vizualnega jezika, ki si želijo napredovati v uporabi svojega medija ter pri tem razvijati svojo kreativnost v opazovanju in pripovedovanju.

Storytelling Workshop with Stratis Vogiatzis
A workshop on visual storytelling through the
medium of photography and filmmaking
March 27 – 30 2018
Stari Grad town, island Hvar,Croatia  


Od 3D do 2D / fotografska delavnica z Bojanom Brecljem

vabimo k prijavi na tri-dnevno delavnico fotografije in pešačenja po starih otoških poteh (28.-31. marec 2018), Stari Grad, otok Hvar


From 3D to 2D / photography workshop with Bojan Brecelj 
How our 3D perception is transformed into a 2D plane of photography
Walking tours and individual photo review sessions 28 – 31 March 2018,Stari Grad, island Hvar, Croatia


NEW Story: Dimitrios Therianos

>11. 2. 2018<

“Zakynthos has a positive energy, thin, fine, can be everywhere, energy to take care not only for oneself, but for all Greece and all the world. It is also one big center of civilization. I see it as a small paradise for everybody, for the people that leave here and for visitors.”

Read full story.


Linking with Greece “East bank” via Ferry

>15. 1. 2018<

We went scouting to connect to the land and people on Aegean side of the “Med” for the stories and collaborations to come.
Take a look at bits of our rehearsal journey, revealing the footprints jet to make H E R E!
