Charlotte Ballet-Baz

Charlotte crossed MED Land project on « Workaway » page. I responded immediately even she is only 23 years old, without any experience staying on the boat!

It was snowing when we meet the first time, and in less than in an hour, we agreed on “What Where and How” she should focus within the project. The next two months she was living on the boat Nalu and working in the MED Land’s office in Stari Grad (Faros-Hvar Island), in the museum, since I was also working there. Her task was to do the research for the future destinations -Aegean islands, with the “concrete results “ which is getting in touch with the potential MED Land story tellers !! It is not an easy task and she did it very well! Already on Hvar Charlotte stepped in her second rule for the project : producing and publishing short films on our activities before we started 2018 voyage.

Finally, she also sailed off with us, for the first leg crow from Hvar island (Adriatic) until Syros island (Aegean sea)! It was great to be with her on the boat, with sails up and good winds. Charlotte learned sailing skills fast and could even take over the ruder on our long stretches. She also continues to video document our adventure crossing the seas, islands and people there.

We could live and work in a very easy, spontaneous and open mode, discuss about theory and practice around the passion we share, photography and film, as well as any other topic. I could easily say that she is much older regarding the way she lives and does whatever she does! We shared a great time and a great experience.

Now since she finished her first studies in Politics, she will start a new Master degree in documentary filming, back in France, in Paris.

We became a close friend and doors for here on MED Land project are staying wide-opened

ps : some cuts from the days we spent together >>

Posted by bojanb
6 years ago