Here are our news from Turkey: Christos - doctor and psychiatrist - sailed through the Dardanelles, the Marmara Sea and the Bosporus to two metropolis: Troy and Istanbul. For the Turkish part of the trip, Bojan and Eleonora joined Christos on his boat. >> video
PS : The fist team of 2019 MEDLand storytellig-project is related to the last recorded story in 2018: Christodoulos is the heart of the team now - and the focus of the story. How comes? We are four now, plus one.. Eleonora from Berlin, Germany, connected to the project through Workaway-platform. Her skills are journalism - audio, with a finger in video also.
Here are our news from Limnos: On this island, Christos - doctor and psychiatrist - is guided by an ancient story involving a hero and a snake. In the Odyssay Homer tells the story of Philoktitis. He was a great hero of the Trojan war. One day he was bitten by a snake - an incurable wound. And the generals - also Ulysses - betrayed him and decided to leave him to die on the island of Limnos. Philoktitis was very weak, but just when his life seemed to come to end, he took some clay from the ground in the cave where he was hiding. He put it onto his wound - and it healed.
PS : The fist team of 2019 MEDLand storytellig-project is related to the last recorded story in 2018: Christodoulos is the heart of the team now - and the focus of the story. How comes? We are four now, plus one.. Eleonora from Berlin, Germany, connected to the project through Workaway-platform. Her skills are journalism - audio, with a finger in video also.
The fist team of 2019 MEDLand storytellig-project is related to the last recorded story in 2018: Christodoulos is the heart of the team now - and the focus of the story. How comes? We are four now, plus one.. Eleonora from Berlin, Germany, connected to the project through Workaway-platform. Her skills are journalism - audio, with a finger in video also.
The fist team of 2019 MED Land sory-tellig projectwas related to the last recorded story in 2018 -Christodoulos is actually the hart of the team now and focus of the story. How comes ?
We were four, plus one.. Eleonora from Berlin - German. She connected to the project through Work Away platform . Her skills are radion journalism -audio, with a finger in video also-
Bojan-Eleonora-Christodoulos-Makis (Christodoulos skipper) and Odyssey
Christodoulos decided to do a pilgrimage-ritual trip through the historical places in N-Aegeian sea , from Athens to Istanbul via Limnos island, passing also Marathon field, A—temple where armies got together to attack Troja… than Limnos is connected to Odyssey karma where he betrayed fellow man…
“…and it is time now to release this pain”. Rituals and conversations with Odyssey are Christodoulous occupation..while he is sailing on his own boat at his age of 83! BUT! every day newborn, with a lot of smile, positive thoughts and joy for life, philosophy, cipora, vine, good food, poetry. The trip final destination was his home island Ikaria ))
Christos is 84 now. When his daughters asked him who would accompany him on his sailing journey he replied: A few friends - Bojan from Slovenia. Just him, his daughters asked? So, Christos thought he would need someone else: Ulysses. Ulysses? Yes, his Athomos - his spirit, to get into a dialogue. This way Christos wants to really experience the connection between the past and the present: In his own identity, the Greek culture, but also in religion and most of all: human nature. Because for Christos, we are still the same. We share the same problems in live, war, love. And t is time now to release this pain, he says.
Rituals and conversations with Ulysses are Christodoulous occupation..while he is sailing on his own boat at his age of 84! BUT! every day newborn, with a lot of smile, positive thoughts and joy for life..philosophy, poetry, cipora, good food,…The trip final destination is Ikaria.
…“When I’m doing nothing, like right now, I do things in my mind, I think about what to do in the winter. Last year, when I finished the mosaic class, it was my first year, and there was a question … In Greek, it’s called erotima, the main of eros, erotas means love … There must be a question, the important thing is the question, not the answer. There are a lot of answers, every one has one, but there is only one question …”…See full story
…”As for development, if I had to choose only one thing, it would actually be to develop respect on all levels! You do not have to force people and environment into doing things”…See full story.
At the time when Stella felt the need to settle and nest, she moved from Athens to the north part of Chios island, to the village of Volissos. She choose it “for the quality of life”, which she actually achieved since she moved and raised children there. It suited her needs at the time, and the need was “to move out of Athens to a place where I can create something and at the same time learn my living from it. See full story.
Participants were from Croatia and Slovenia, mostly second year students of geomancy Hvar island is MED land home island/ port for Nalu and main office for the project , lacated in Museum of Stari -grad (MED Land partner). The cooperation between 4 of us-MEDLand project, LAGŠKOLJ(local action group), Museum of Stari Grad and Vitaaa (org. started by Marko Pogačnik) made it happened. an impression of geomancy in practice is edited in image&sound track -5min image&sound track -5min
The workshop was held on the island of Hvar – a dragonlike island in the Adriatic.*
The participants came from Croatia and Slovenia, mostly second year students of geomancy, assistants for field work, some permanent collaborators, as well as some newcomers and organizers of the event from the island. All in all, there were 25 participants! The workshop took 2 days of intensive work (plus 2 additional hours on the third day). Its focus was on connecting, understanding, communicating and acting in imagination for the wellbeing of Hvar.
The workshop was well prepared, since a smaller group already started to map the potential places to visit (Instagram post AND post), and also due to the fact that Marko Pogačnik came for a short visit to do the research on which the workshop was based (Instagram post). The main push to do the workshop on Hvar was the invitation of the FLAG organization and Museum of the island of Hvar. The organization was in good hands of LAGŠKOLJ (locat action group)w
… AND the last hours of the workshop were blessed with rain – after two months of drought! It has now been raining for two days
*Hvar – a dragonlike island where the first settlement in the whole Adriatic region was built, and now (Stari Grad) has 2,400 years of continuous history.
NALU- THE PROJECT BOAT IS THE FIRST AND THE LAST IN SAYING, IF, WHEN AND HOW WE MOVE OVER THE MEDITERRANEAN SEAS ..FROM ISLAND TO THE ISLAND / Working on Nalu was the last physical activity of MED Land project in 2018 and the first one in 2019 —>more
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“You need to be a dreamer, you need to dream, because dreaming means using your imagination, making up things, things that don’t exist. You make up a journey, a life – you invent a life and then you go towards it …”