Archive Monthly Archives: April 2016

NEW Story: Matko Zagalo

>4. 4. 2016<

“…..I consider myself living in paradise, but when I say this to my wife she says, again you are going for your nerve healing. Always and again I’m trying to persuade her to come with me because it’s simply beautiful in the vineyards, and the view from the southern side is fantastic… I call this heaven.

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NEW Story: Jelena Gracin

>3. 4. 2016<

“…My dream was actually to come and live on island Hvar, but I did not know how to do that … I got a work offer in Zagreb but I turned down the job! Instead, I went to Rijeka took one year job, which was actually a lot more adventurous…it taught me a lot, the city is also is wonderful, so I really enjoyed Rijeka experience. From Rijeka, I boarded on ferryboat 28 boxes, 2 cats, 2 bikes, viola and violin and moved here, on Hvar. When I arrived, I felt that I came home…”

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“Why not? All is possible” : Muse-Petrić Andro


Face to face with MUSE

..Than I just entered the house and came in to the room through back door. We started to talk and I continued to photograph him. He ruled tobacco, one after the other... When I proposed him to make a self-portrait, he somehow understood and replied instantly “Why not all is possible” , so I brought the mirror and flashes in the small room.. to write his recorded words is nearly impossible )) because of the dialect and indigenous (local, Italian, Mediterranean mix ) words..."

Defining the project

>1. 4. 2016<

During April till June 2016 a core team/board members Eva Marn, Japec Jakopin, Stan Coenders and Bojan Brecelj defined  the basic logic and the strategy of the project:
why, who, how, when, for whom, which was put into the form of a well-designed poster by Petra Petan.
